Building Excellence
in High School Learning

Welcome to Isomo Circles!

Isomo Circles is an innovative education program dedicated to making quality education accessible, at scale, to thousands of students across Rwanda.

As an enrichment intervention within high schools, Isomo Circles seeks to create spaces of excellence in learning, language acquisition, and university and labor readiness.

Many of Rwanda’s top performing students

graduate from high school with English-language skills

no better than a U.S. seventh grader.

Local Leadership

Bold visions require bold partners.

Pioneer schools that have the dynamism, leadership, and desire to become leaders in 21st-century education and lighthouses of learning transformation across the country.

Pioneer Schools
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Growing Network of Excellent Teachers

Local teachers serve as the Learning Coaches.

These Learning Coaches receive immersive training on Isomo’s culture and teaching methodologies, and ensure that the program provides the support and resources needed for students in each Circle to thrive.

Intimate Learning Communities

Isomo Circles are spaces of excellence that equip Rwandan students with mindsets, knowledge, and skills that lead to human flourishing and community prosperity.


Building on Isomo’s signature seminar classes, weekly learning packages are built around the following themes:

History of Science

African History

Politics & Society

Cognitive Science

Social Justice




Become an Isomo Circles School

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